The most prevalent thought in my mind these days is simply "has everyone gone mad?".
Honestly, look around you. News every hour spew new information everyday about how politicians (one in particular) are trying to control the media, and nobody actually seems to care. That specific politician's approval rating has actually gone up (!) these last few days. That I wasn't very hopeful about this country's future is no big secret, but really... no one cares. I even heard a couple of colleagues of mine today arguing that this controversy is being created by some in the media and that the wiretaps serving as the basis for it are simply innocent conversations and shouldn't be up for public scrutiny.
Seriously?! I'm open to all political considerations to be had on this case, but accusations (pretty well substantiated, in my humble opinion) that the government wanted to use public money, through public or semi-private companies to acquire private companies in a bid to control independent media is enough to land those responsible in serious trouble in any decent country.
What the hell is wrong with you people? :|
Seriously, everything and everyone seems to be going crazy these days...
I've been having all these troubles and disappointments with people who are close to me, these last few weeks. When all seemed to be getting better, we're back to square one. I really need to stop worrying about everyone else. It's not worth it.
I need to stop. I need to get my things together, think of my ultimate goal and simply don't let anything get in the way. People are overrated. There are those, very few, that actually matter. Everyone else is an hopeless cause.
This could really be a good life, if I just let it :)