domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Sooner or later, the people you love let you down.

What's the point?

The more you try to help someone, somehow, the faster you'll be burned. And the funny thing is... the person doing the burning might not be someone you'd expect. Life is indeed filled with an awful lot of twists and turns we will never anticipate, we will never understand or accept. It is what it is, though.

No one is above reproach. We make mistakes. Fact. With that said, no one should feel free to throw the first stone. In the end, it only makes you look bad. The last couple of days were awful, really. Out of a very unusual and unexpected series of events, I learned that a few people I consider to be true friends, are actually not.

Truth is, I'm troubled and sad. But at the same time, not surprised... and in retrospect, I should've seen it coming. I don't really ever demand anything from my friends... but I expect them to be loyal and open with me. If they have a problem, they should come out and say it. Otherwise, we go into the realm of lies and deception... and I have no desire to go there. Well, problem is, we're there already.

While some might choose to play that game, I do not. I will never be cynical to the point of lecturing others on where the blame lies. I will not be an hypocrite and pretend all is well. So, while it hurts me badly to know that I really have almost no one left to trust, I really don't care. I will lick my wounds and keep on going. As it turns out, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I made my mistakes, but I will not bear the brunt for other people's failed lives. I've been played and burned before... so this time, I won't sit idly by. If anyone wants a fight, they'll get a fight.

At the end of the day, I realize people are overrated. You can never trust or count on anyone but yourself. Nevermind helping others, you'll only get thrown in the crossfire and probably shot in the back. And that's exactly how I feel tonight...

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